Personal Injury Lawyers • Portland and Waterville, ME

Accidents Involving Uninsured and Underinsured Drivers

Call the Portland car accident lawyers with a record of results

In most cases, after you’ve been hurt in a car accident caused by a negligent driver, you would file a claim for compensation with that drivers’ insurance company. But what if that driver doesn’t have insurance – or not enough insurance to cover the damages you suffered? That’s when you need an experienced car accident lawyer.

At Jabar LaLiberty, LLC, we know the impact a car accident can have on victims and their families. You may need surgery, hospitalization, medication and physical therapy. Medical expenses can add up quickly. You may not be able to work, resulting in a loss of income. It can be hard for people to get through this difficult time.

All drivers in Maine are required to get car insurance but there are some people who drive without it. Others only the get the minimum amount of coverage required, which may not be enough when there’s been a crash that leaves people seriously hurt.

The car accident lawyers Mainers trust

In Maine, drivers are required to carry uninsured motorist coverage. This give them protection if they are in an accident with another driver who is uninsured or underinsured. There are limits to this coverage and even though you would be filing a claim with your own insurance company, recovering the compensation you deserve can still be difficult.

Insurance companies are always thinking about their bottom line. In order to keep profits as high as possible, they’ll try to keep your payments as low as possible. In cases involving an underinsured driver, you’ll have to deal with two insurance companies – the underinsured driver’s company and your own.

Our lawyers start by investigating your accident to find out what really happened. Our legal team gathers evidence. Our lawyers carefully review all documentation related to the accident, such as crash reports and medical records. We identify witnesses and interview them. If needed, we consult accident reconstruction experts.

Personal injury attorneys ready to help with your case

We build a strong case that insurance companies have to take seriously. Our lawyers determine the total damages you have suffered and demand compensation. In cases of accidents caused by underinsured drivers, this can involve negotiating with two different insurance companies. We are committed to helping you get the best possible outcome.

That’s just one reason that we have earned a reputation as lawyers that people can trust. Our firm has recovered millions for the injured in Maine since our founding in 1979. We know how insurance companies operate and we never back down. We are ready to help you recover the compensation you deserve.

If you were injured in an accident caused by an uninsured or underinsured driver, we urge you get legal advice as soon as possible. The law allows you six years from the date of your accident to take legal action. It is important to start building a case before evidence is lost or destroyed and while the memories of witnesses are still fresh.

Learn more about how our firm can help. Contact us to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced car accident attorneys in Waterville and Portland.

Free Case Consultation*

    *For Personal Injury cases only